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Alkaline Pure Life

"It is not about eating less, it is about eating right." Dr. Sebi

Fruit Branch
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Delicious & Alkaline

Alkaline eating aims to reduce mucus and inflammation over the entire body, balancing the pH and empowering the lymphatic system to prevent future illnesses. We will meet weekly for a two hour session to learn about this lifestyle embraced by millions around the world and to demonstrate how to prepare quick, yummy recipes (and to eat them after, of course).

Tropical Fruit Dessert

“At an early age we were taught that soul food is the unhealthy Death Food that many of us put into our temples, but what is real Soul Food?


REAL FOOD is the food that enhances the Sol, Our central Sun, Our Melanin, Our Carbon.


Fruits, vegetables and grains, this is the Real Soul Food.” Dr. Sebi


“A healthy body is worth more than any dollar amount. You don't want to be the wealthiest person on a hospital bed.” Dr. Sebi

“Mucus is the cause of every dis-ease. Eliminate the mucus and you eliminate the disease.” Dr. Sebi


Game Changer

The Dr. Sebi Alkaline lifestyle is amazing for


- Healthy weight loss or weight gain.

- Increase in energy levels.

- Treatment of pain & inflammation.

- Mood balancing 

- Immunity 

- Cellular regeneration

- And you name it, it helps with it!



You will learn:

- About PH and Acidity-Alkalinity basics.

- List of approved ingredients and how to prepare them.

- Water and different ways to make sure it's alkaline.

- Body cycles and best schedule for maximum health.

- Cellular regeneration and healing holistically on the deepest levels.



Four hours session

Two hour theory and questions

Two hour cooking demonstration


Time to Re-program

I started reading about Dr. Sebi a few years ago and immediately caught my attention. All he said was so logical and simple, yet I couldn´t make sense on how I have missed it all for so long. Then I realized there was this program operating on many levels in me. I began to observe and check these processes in order to understand where they were coming from. I thought I loved my body, that I was in a way "doomed" to hereditary or environmental illnesses and that what they taught me in school was right. But after realizing this program I was running on, based on the manipulation of certain groups of people for their own financial benefit, along with much generational and educational conditioning and my lack of awareness to understand what I didn't understand, I began to make choices that aligned my body, mind and spirit. Awareness is everything.

This is the closest to a Holistic way of eating I have encountered, that can be easily understood from the physical and non physical. By choosing the foods that nature attended for us to be able to eat raw, by taking on the path of less resistance and chose the food that gives the best results, we enter a higher way of living, where fear is minimize and we change the program we have been running on. 

Book the course for your retreat or for yourself. We can do it as a group!
We travel to your place and offer a comprehensive presentation along with the cooking workshops.
Learn about natural immunity, pH and native foods with us!

For more information, please contact us directly. 

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