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Thanks to my grandma for teaching me how to "repulgar" which is the verb we use to call the closing of the empanadas. These we made for our retreat this last weekend and went down like heaven, I could not stop eating them! Sometimes I find the dough can be a bit dry and heavy if we are trying to stick to very healthy ingredients, but these were soft and spongy. The time in the oven is crucial, too long and you end up with a rock! Kneading the dough well and letting set for a while is also very important, all little details that added together give for the perfect result.

We have to always put our intention in the food, conscious cooking means visualizing the outcome and being totally

present in the moment to avoid mistakes and ensuring success. We create a good environment were the energy of the food mixes with our own, where we express appreciation and gratitude for the Earth as we utilize what it provides us and where we understand ourselves as the food itself, for the food die to fed us and, some day, we will die to feed the earth. This is part of conscious living, to honor the cycle and strive to be one with it.

Empanadas bring me back to my childhood, many hours spend sitting with my grandmother making endless amount for the family to devour. They used to be made with meat or cheese, we have replaced the ingredients but the essence is the same. Empanadas are always made to be shared with your tribe, to be passed around, putting efforts into make it each one by hand. This is why I love making them at the retreats, to bring a little be of my own home and to also show the evolution we can add to any food. Our childhood foods can be revived into new ways, that still hold the memories but the bring actual nourishment and positivity into our bodies, minds and souls.


For the dough

2 cups of spelt flour

1 cup of fresh water

3 tablespoons of olive oil

Pinch of Sea Salt

2 tablespoons of oregano

For the filling

1 red pepper

1 green pepper

1 red onion

2 pear tomatoes

1/2 cup chopped olives

1/4 cup chopped sun dried tomatoes



Chopped parsley



Sea Salt


Nutritional Yeast (optional)

Olive oil


-Place the flour, salt and oregano in a bowl. Mix well. Add the olive oil and the water. You want a soft dough. If it´s too soft add more flour, if it´s too hard add more water. Knead well, and let it sit for 30 minutes.

-Chopped all the veggies into small cubes.

-Heat up a frying pan big enough. Put some olive oil and start by frying the onion and peppers. Once they are soft add the tomato, olive and sun dried tomatoes. Lastly, add all the spices. The quantities are up to you, I like to put a lot of it because I love herbs and spices. You can also put some chili if you lie it spicy. Once it´s all added, taste and adjust. Let it cool.

-Preheat the oven at 200ºC and place parchment paper on a few baking trays.

-In a clean surface, sprinkle some flour and roll the dough. You want it a thin as possible, but no too thin that it will stick or break. Add enough flour to the surface and really wait for the feeling to be cool or it´d be hard to handle.

-With a round cutter (you can also use a bowl or a glass depending the sizes you want) cut the circles. Place a spoon full of filling and brush some water on the edges so it stick properly. Close the empanadas and fold and fold the edge to seal the properly. If you don´t know hot to do it, you can always use a fork, pressing with the teeth on the edges too.

-Place the empanadas on the trays. Once you are done with all the filling, get a little bowl and put some olive oil, salt, oregano y nutritional yeast. Brush each empanadas with the mixture to keep them soft and golden.

-Bake for about fifteen minutes or until the bottoms are toasted and the dough is cooked.

Enjoy with the BIG FAMILIA.

Eat it with LOVE.

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