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Tribus recap 2020: let´s change the present!

¡Hola Tribe!

As the long needle and the short needle united once again at midnight to pass the page and restart the calendar, we all had this collective outbreath of relief. We made it! We are here, and we are seeing the new horizon, we are visualizing and verbalizing.

Our year was up and down, but it was perhaps one of the most enlightening years of them all. We have learned so much about ourselves, about each other, about what matters, about our freedom, about the truth and the reality of other people. We have encouraged and supported each other in new ways, we have set boundaries for a better life, we recognized the need for community and in a way, it helped us align with our true purpose.

We had a great summer, and a very soulful Autumn, blissed to gather again, to create uplifting moments with many talented people. We have also had to let go of things that didn't serve us, we were afraid to do it, but it was right and productive for everyone.

At the very beginning of 2020, we were so busy, we couldn´t believe it! Our Vegan Tribes Social Club, Open mics, Yoga Supper Clubs, Sound healing and lunches were on demand, it was encouraging to see the response, to understand people wanted to meet new people, new cuisines, new experiences. We welcomed Walter and Maggi to stay with us and it was so very educational and inspiring, it changed us. We had Clara helping for the winter who really did a great job and connected with people in amazing ways. Our winter was full of warmth inside our little cosy cafe.

Then that March the 13th, we had our last tribe gathering with only a few of us due the last minute cancellations and it was fabolous as we shared the dinner with our guests. Phil, Deb, Sherly and Eelco, our last supper, glad we had plenty of hugs before it all changed!

The lockdown was bitter-sweet as for everyone, but it made us aware that we needed to focus on our mission to create a conscious business that really benefits people in meaningful ways. We watched all the shows on Netflix, cooked and eventually we got bored. So we started our Zoom classes which with the technicalities and all, were a phenomenal way to connect and feel the vibe together. We had so much fun and we did our best to pass the time by educating and reaching out. I don't know how time can go so fast and slow at the same time, we really did go through the motions and at the end of it, we decided to really disconnect from anti-social media which has helped us feel more positive and have a better quality of life.

From May, things started to look normal again and we rolled this idea to host events at people's houses. It was a hit! Beautiful locations, new faces, delicious soul food and the kindness of our hosts made each one an incredible occasion. Helen and Mick gorgeous village in Balcon del Mar, Shirley's lush rooftop for our nine course tasting menu, Cecilia's Gingerbread house for an unforgettable sound healing with Charly, a women gathering with Sound bath with our host Alix, full moons at the beach, conscious walks and picnics through nature, pop ups, and so much more. Under the light of the sun, we enjoyed so many sunsets together, so many laughs and love, finally we felt things were falling back into place.

But nothing is ever the same. In the mid summer, we said "see you later" to one of our favourite tribe members and it came with great pain and also great lessons for us. Eric was a bright soul and he touched the lives of so many people, he could never be forgotten! He truly inspired us with his energy, words, jokes and a dark side that mingled with his light in incredible ways. Eric shared one last meal with us and we will never no be thinking about him. He reminded us that we are all in this together, and that we need to start reaching out, making this connection real and lasting, so no one feels alone, no one feels they have to go through it alone. We love you and miss you every day friend.

After the summer, Neil started consulting and we know you all want to hear that story. He really wanted to show any place has potential with teamwork and soul. We pretended we were on Kitchen nightmares for a bit and it made us realize just how much we have matured in our service in the last decade. Well, after he finished his three month arrangement, he was done with all he set up to do, still it wasn't working perfect and now we know why, but we want to express that even with all the stress that restaurants and bars go through, with all the attachments that the service industry comes with, with the problems, issues, mistakes, we have met some sensational people, we have connected on many levels and we are such better individuals for going through it. We hope we made an impact and that some who are “trapped” in the industry can be inspired to find their own ways and better their lives. After so many years behind bars, we know that you cannot judge anyone, that people are fighting their own battles and you don't really know what is going on inside. We have had in our lives many times people telling us you shouldn't do that, even moving to Benitachell from Altea, many customers told us we would fail. But more important than money and business for us is our learning process and opening up to all tribes is indispensable for growth. We thank everyone who supported Neil, who came by, who showed us that our last eleven years did something good and memorable for the community. We are now riding the wave we started then and it's taking us to incredible places, thank you for helping our flow!

After a soulful retreat in Guadalest in collaboration with the one and only Nati Deprati and a magical wedding in Jalon, we were ready for a break. At the end of the year we tend to freak out and try to come up with all the projects and ideas for the next. But 2020 was special and after hustling for six months, we decided to take a long break and find our next adventure. We had many moments in December when we wanted to do something, work or organize food for the holidays but we honored our word, our rest and our cycle. We used the time to enjoy our life, sleep in, read, plant, write, cook, love and listen within.

And today is the first Monday of 2021 and we are full of energy, projects and news. Neil will be collaborating with some groovy projects, I will be organizing retreats and workshops, we have surprises for you all and we hope you want to join in with us and our wonderful tribe of collaborators to share one of a kind experiences to heal and uplift the frequency. We need a little more time but you will be hearing from us very soon. It is time we redefine the service industry into something that is productive for us all, the guests and the hosts. Our biggest joy is to cook and talk to our tribe and in the rush of a busy restaurant sometimes we don't have space to really get into it! We hope this new project allows us to interact, teach, learn and expand in meaningful ways.

Some people want to burn 2020 and forget about it, but that is what we did in 2019. We have to said goodbye to 2020 with gratitude, honoring the lessons and changes it brought us. We are now making more conscious decisions, feeling the unity, the realization that we are all in this together and if we really want to move into the new year we have to acknowledge, work through and liberate all that the last cycle brought us. We go into 2021 with humbleness, awareness and alertness, when I say we I mean all of us. This new rotation around the sun means new air to breathe, means closure and openness to all we could become.

We want to live to the fullest and for that we are done changing the future, we are changing present, the now. Come with us, we are taking off into new worlds, we are making it real right this second, our bodies will be strong, our minds at peace and our souls free to explore and to live in joy. The work is just starting and we are not going to stop.

We send our vibes, hoping to hear how your year went and what you hope to become in this new one.

Much, much, much love and light from the tribe.

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Shirley Luksen
Shirley Luksen

Dear Yanina & Neil,

So nicely written!

You guys are amazingly creative and i love it that everything you do is with so much passion! I can’t wait to join with you guys again.... see you soon!! xxx Shirley

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