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My wonderful grandma's scrambled zucchini calzone.

I went to the local market yesterday and courgettes were at 0.80 cents a kilo. Took my fair share (and not so fair too) of them home. Neil makes a great southern style fried zucchini but I took one look and remember my country life at Grandma's house. She used to make this amazing eggs, mozzarella, tomato and zucchini scrambled and suddenly I had a terrible craving for it. I miss my grandma lots, she had a way with vegetables (yes even covered in dairy and eggs), the only one in my Argentinian family who would cook veg in every meal. She grew up in the campo, very far away in Buenos Aires province where sometimes all you had to eat was what you could grow yourself. I used to live in the same campo as her, next door, and my earliest memories are walking with her along the crops, picking up carrots or tomatoes and eating them raw right there, no risk of pesticides, poison, disease... She taught me the circle of life in a way I would eventually forget about and that now I yearn for so much. Her zapallitos revueltos are the best taste of home. She always cooked for us with all her heart and the taste lingers until now.

I turned it into a calzone to make it more filling. Some people like to peel the zucchini, I don't, I make sure to wash it thoroughly. Some of these types of vegetables have a hard skin but calabacin softens super quick and doesn't have much texture to it.

I like to use a firm tofu, silken turns into mush too much for my taste. If you want to be even lazier, you can use pastry dough instead and it will be ready in no time as the longest bit is letting the dough raise. Or, like i said, you can always eat it alone! That's how we used to eat it. If you have any favorite vegan cheese to add to it, don't even think about it!


For the calzone dough

1 cup warm water

2 tablespoon fresh yeast

1 tablespoon olive oil

1/2 tablespoon brown sugar

Pinch of salt

2 2/1 cups of flour

For the fillin

2 zucchinis

2 garlic cloves, finely chopped

2 tablespoons chopped onion

1 chopped tomato

150g tofu

2 tablespoons olive oil

2 tablespoons unsweetened plant milk or cream.

1/2 cup water or (even better) veggie broth

2 tablespoon nutritional yeast

1 tablespoon dry garlic

1/2 tablespoon nutmeg

3/4 tablespoon turmeric

Salt and pepper to taste

Chopped fresh herbs like basil or parsley


-In a big bowl, pour the water, the yeast, the sugar and the salt and mix well. Add the flour and knit until all the ingredients are properly integrated. Let to raise somewhere warm for 20 minutes or until it has double sides.

-Heat up oven to a 200C In a deep frying pan, heat the olive oil and fried the garlic and onion. Then add the tomatoes and the zucchini. Add the rest of ingredients, bring to boil, cover up and simmer until the zucchini is soft and cook. Set aside to cool.

-To assemble the calzone, roll a ball of dough into a circle as if you were making a thin pizza. Pour the zucchini mixture and spread evenly. Make another circle equal to the first and topped the calzone, sealing the rims properly so the filling cannot scape.

-Place in oven and bake for about 15-20 minutes or until the dough in golden and crisp.

Thank you visiting! Let us know in the comments how it turn out for you!!!

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